Wednesday, September 9, 2015

My Experience Since Emerging Senate President Has Been Interesting, Challenging, Says Saraki

Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, said on Wednesday that his experience since assumption of office three months ago has been both interesting and challenging.
He stated this while fielding questions from reporters after his first official tour of the National Assembly complex in Abuja, which is unprecedented in the history of the nearly 25-years-old legislative complex.
Senator Saraki, however, acknowledged that the rewarding aspect of the job is the overwhelming support he has received from his colleagues, the management and staff of the National Assembly, Nigerians in general and the international community.
Speaking about his experience so far since assuming office in controversial circumstances on June 9, the Senate president said: “Well, it is interesting, challenging but I think what is rewarding about it is the support from one’s colleagues, the management and the enthusiasm that you see going round with some of the staff of the National Assembly. Also, similar support from Nigerians from all walks of life and the international community”.
According to him, the familiarization tour was meant to allow him and the principal officers of the Upper Chamber of the National Assembly have on-the-spot assessment of the environment so as to make for good understanding of issues and challenges being faced by both staff and management of the National Assembly.
“The Assembly complex represents the image of the National Assembly, So, it is important for us to see what the issues are and have an understanding of the environment. Unless you go round and have a firsthand understanding, sometimes, it is difficult for you to understand what are the issues and challenges for all the staff, their conditions, productivity and all that. By the time I go round, I will have a better understanding and I will know what the issues are and we will be able to tackle them one by one”, he said.
On his impression of the situation in the complex after the tour, Saraki said: “By and large I think for an institution like this and over the many years of its existence as well as the number of staff, I think the maintenance is generally acceptable”.
He, however, called on management to improve on what is on ground so as to protect and project a better image of the legislative institution.
The Senate president added: “I think, of course, there is still area of improvement here and there, considering the number of people here, people that are coming in and out. I think there are some areas that again, particularly key areas of ICT and Research”.
He stated that the red chamber is committed to fulfilling its promises to Nigerians by connecting with the people.
Saraki said: “There is a general desire to make the country proud with what we are doing here and I think we all have to keep to the promises we have made to all Nigerians that we will do our best to connect with Nigerians and let Nigerians appreciate that we are here to serve and to work for the good of this country”.
Areas of the expansive complex visited by Senate President Saraki and other principal officers of the Senate included the Offices of the Clerk and Deputy Clerk to the National Assembly, Foreign Affairs Office of the Senate, the Senate Press Centre, the Police Station, State Security Service (SSS), Office of the Sergeant-At-Arms, Senate’s Tea Room, Hansard Reporters section, National Assembly Television and Radio Studio, Clinic, Library, the Nigeria Police and Defence Liaison Offices.
Others are the Procurement, Estate and Works Directorate, Corporate Services Directorate, Personnel Department, Offices of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, National Assembly Station of the Nigeria Fire Service, Dental and Eye Clinics, Legal Department, Finance and Accounts Directorate and the Canteen.

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