Saturday, May 6, 2017

Most Common Travel Accidents

Most Common Travel Accidents

Most Common Travel Accidents

We are surrounded by potential risks everywhere we go, but when traveling, there are a number of risks that become more likely because you are in such an unfamiliar environment. Not to mention, there are so many new and exciting sights to take in, that sometimes it’s easy to forget to be cautious. Here are the most common travel accidents according to our customer reports:


Though tripping can happen anywhere, the likelihood of it happening on your trip is much greater. We’ve all been in a hurry to catch a flight or a train, but rushing to do so—especially while trying to lug around all of your bags—can certainly prove to be dangerous. Try not to rush anywhere; this can cause accidents that could have otherwise been avoidable.

While traveling to a new place, it is easy to be wide-eyed and fascinated by the new sights of your destination. This is distracting—especially while taking photos—and can be the reason for your fall. Some countries, like the U.S. and Canada, have raised sidewalks for pedestrians. Though the streets are built this way for safety, if you are not watching where you are stepping, you can trip and fall off of the curb causing possible injuries.

Slipping on Wet Surfaces

most common travel accidentsWet surfaces are exceptionally dangerous to walk on, whether it is a shower, in the ice or snow, or a sidewalk while it’s raining. You should be extra cautious while walking on wet surfaces and hold onto railing when walking on slippery stairs. Be sure to dress according to the weather of your travel destination. Proper walking shoes are necessary, and rain or snow boots should be packed for either occasion. Avoid hiking or walking in the dirt while it is wet, as the mud can be extremely slippery.

Traffic Accidents

Car accidents are the number one cause of death across the globe. While many travelers don’t drive while they are out of their home country, it is still important to watch for surrounding traffic as many car accidents include pedestrians, cyclists, and those riding other transportation like: buses or bike taxis. If you do plan to drive while traveling, know the local traffic rules. Traffic rules differ drastically from country to country, so it is important to know how to drive safely.

Snake Bites

We all enjoy the great outdoors, but with the great outdoors, comes all the animals that it houses. It is essential that you watch your step while in nature. Snakes can be very difficult to see, and their bites can be fatal. Wearing proper hiking boots and thick socks can help protect you from a snakes’ bite. It is important that if bitten, you get to an emergency room as quickly as possible.

How Can My Travel Insurance Help?

Your travel medical insurance can certainly come in handy. The insurance plan has a toll-free number you can call from anywhere and they will assist in helping you find the closest medical facilities, and finding you transportation if needed.

If you are injured at a location far from a medical facility, you may need to be evacuated. Emergency medical evacuations are expensive and complicated procedures, but travel medical insurance can be helpful in making arrangement for a emergency evacuation, via land or air, to transport you to the closest medical facility in a timely manner.

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