Saturday, July 15, 2017

Boost This Hormone To Banish Fibromyalgia Pain

When you suffer from fibromyalgia, pain can be your constant companion. But for women suffering this debilitating condition, there’s a straightforward way to push back against the pain and ease your aches.
Frequently, fibromyalgia symptoms begin after an infection, surgery, stressful events or some type of physical injury. However, it can also strike with no obvious cause.
But a study at York University in England shows that doing yoga exercises can help reduce the physical pain of fibromyalgia and ease its psychological fallout, and here’s why…
According to the scientists, yoga influences what is called the HPA axis — the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal glands which are responsible for releasing the hormone cortisol.
Studies show that women with fibromyalgia (women suffer this condition much more than men) have below-average cortisol levels. Those reduced levels make them much more sensitive to stress, pain and fatigue.
The research shows that doing 75 minutes of yoga twice a week for at least two months can beneficially increase your cortisol levels and help the body produce cortisol at the correct times of day.
“Ideally, our cortisol levels peak about 30-40 minutes after we get up in the morning and decline throughout the day until we’re ready to go to sleep,” says researcher Kathryn Curtis. “The secretion of the hormone, cortisol, is dysregulated in women with fibromyalgia.”
She adds that, “Hatha yoga promotes physical relaxation by decreasing activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which lowers heart rate and increases breath volume.”
Hatha yoga is term that encompasses most types of yoga practiced in the western hemisphere, including vinyasa, believed to open up the body’s energy channels and let the energy flow more freely.
In fact, in my experience, yoga and other types of strengthening and balancing exercises can also improve your mood and sense of well-being by demonstrating how you can shape your mind and body for the better. No matter what physical problems you may suffer, whether it is fibromyalgia or some other chronic issue, yoga can often help you cope with its symptoms more effectively.
Although today’s conventional doctor seems to feel as though almost every problem should be treated with a medication, exercises like yoga, and even vitamins that reduce pain, demonstrate that you have the potential for aiding your own wellness — and that’s healing that a doctor can’t provide.
source: Easyhealthoptions

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