Saturday, July 15, 2017

For A Bad Back, Nerve Pain And Sore Muscles, Try This

Imagine that you are driving down the highway one day with quite a ways to go, and you’re late for an appointment … and the “check oil” light starts flashing on your dashboard.
You’re late, and you’re in the middle of the Interstate, and you can’t really do anything about it… so you cover the light with a piece of tape.
Now you can’t see the light. But does that really make you feel any better?
It’s very sad, but this is how mainstream medicine wants you to think about your body. Just use our band-aids, and everything will feel just fine.
If you need proof, check this out. It’s from a mainstream medical publication – and it’s another great example of why you come  for answers.
The second paragraph in the article reads (and no, we are not making this up):
“Despite the enormous societal impact of chronic pain, present treatment options are limited to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), opioids, anticonvulsants and antidepressants, which provide pain relief to only about half of patients.”
Two things stand out here.
The medical profession believes that the ONLY ways to treat pain are with drugs.
The drugs don’t work very well … for half the people who take them, they don’t work at all.
Let’s be honest … no one really wants to take pain drugs. They’re scary, they can hurt your liver, your stomach, cause brain bleeding…
But no one wants pain, either. It gets in the way, makes it hard to concentrate… to complete tasks…
You can’t get up and go to the store… you can’t last through a nice mean at a restaurant…
Sometimes you can’t even sleep.
Pain steals the enjoyment out of your life. And pain drugs seem so easy. At least that’s what the commercials say.
But they just don’t work a lot of times. And even if they do, it’s just a piece of tape over the flashing warning signs your body is sending you.
In fact, the solution to many types of pain might be simpler than you think. Because one cause of headaches, muscle and nerve pain is a deficiency of something we do not get enough of anymore in our food: magnesium.
Magnesium is among the most abundant elements in the human body, where its ions are essential to living cells. But around 70 percent of adults in the U.S. don’t get even the miniscule RDA for magnesium, and 80 percent may not get what is required for optimal health.
According to The Journal of Physiology, magnesium decreases nerve pain by calming the neurotransmitter NMDA. Overstimulation of this brain chemical is a known cause of nerve pain; magnesium has been shown to calm it without side effects.
Magnesium also helps to relax stiff or spasmodic muscles and improve circulation. More than 25 percent of the body’s magnesium content is concentrated in the muscles. It helps deliver the correct amount of oxygen to the muscles to help them contract and relax, and it aids in the transmission of nerve impulses to them.
There are topical forms of magnesium as well as the traditional Epsom salts added to a bath; both absorb easily through the skin and can be quite effective.
There are several forms of magnesium on the market, but the chelated form at 500 mg per day has shown strong absorption and alleviation for nerve pain, headaches and muscle spasms.
Editor’s Note: When conventional pain medicines and therapies just won’t work, you can now turn to the complete guide to conquering just about any type of pain naturally… it includes multiple tools you can use to finally beat the pain for good.
source: Easyhealthoptions

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